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Finding a job

Working on Curacao or Bonaire: job vacancies and tips

Working and, more important, finding a job on Curacao or Bonaire may be an obstacle for many. On this page, we provide you with valuable tips for finding work and applying for a job. Read the information carefully!

Na Kaminda offers many services for immigration, including paving the way to find work and enabling you to work legally. We offer these services in separate modules.

PAY ATTENTION: for ‘aliens’ (being non-Dutch or being non-American), different standards and procedures apply. In many cases, finding or accepting a job is useless before the application of your permit has been submitted and accepted. Please let us advise you. At this moment, applying for a job may be a waste of time and effort.

Remote working

Remote working is 'the new way of working' - a lot has changed, especially since COVID-19. Many people are forced to work from home and it seems that digital working even from distant locations is becoming more accepted ('digital nomads'). Although the local permit policy must be adapted to the new situation - we are committed to this - there are opportunities that can already be used within the current policy.

With regard to 'remote working' needs to be stated explicitly that:

  • it only concerns the performance of digital activities for a period of a few months and on the express condition that the activities are only performed for an offshore company (abroad) - as a self-employed or salaried employee for that company
  • the activities can not be connected to the local economy in any way and may not carried out at the location or offices of local employers or companies
  • the activities should not take away employment or job opportunities from local employees

Finding a job - agencies and opportunities:

Sometimes, Na Kaminda is regarded as a website for job vacancies on Bonaire or Curacao. This is not the case. Finding work on the island is your responsibility, but we can lend a hand! Sending us your resume is pointless unless we specifically ask for it. In some cases, we will ask around in for a job opening via our network, via our website, or via Twitter. We restrict ourselves to serving existing customers only.

If possible, we will make suggestions. Through various channels, we take notice of vacancies on Curacao and Bonaire and also through the grapevine and our network we pick up lots of information. Regularly, we hand on specific job openings to our customers when we know they are searching for a paid job in a particular branch. Check out the following options:

tip: Curacao is short-handed for staff in hotels, restaurants, and cafes at any level (from servers to management). Especially chefs are urgently needed. Moreover, there is a shortage of higher educated technicians.

Applying - Working | tips:

Finding a job on Curacao or Bonaire from The Netherlands or elsewhere, is not always easy. There are a few reasons:

  • consider whether your plans are not too noncommittal. Leaving with vague plans may be very risky and end up in a disappointment.
  • make sure your applications for work and residence permits are completed before you apply for a job, and, in any case, before you leave. If your permit application has been submitted, employers will take you more seriously. They can rest assured you will come over, which enhances your chances of finding employment.
  • on a daily basis, we hear: “I do not want to deregister from my country yet and burn my bridges”. Please report this to us soonest. We will help you with the various options, however restricted they are. We will support you fully in your situation.

The most favorable application order:

  • first, arrange the application for your work and residence permit. We gladly help you out.
  • get a feel of the available job openings and the favorable branches
  • send your written application and resume to an employer
  • contact the employer via phone (refrain from e-mailing only) for further details and explain your interest in the job (in some cases, a remote job interview can be organized, f.i. via Skype)
  • purchase a ticket for an extra visit to the island and plan (job) interviews
  • plan by phone and make appointments for various interviews with multiple employers when you do visit the island
  • learn the basics of Papiamento language. This will open doors that otherwise remain closed. Also, upon arrival on the island, booking more lessons is beneficial to you.
  • some branches are short-handed for staff; others are overrepresented. Get acquainted with the local needs and opportunities.
  • consider starting your company and become an employer. Especially on Curacao, the opportunities and options are numerous. Na Kaminda can help you out.
  • in many instances, local habits are different to what you are accustomed to. In the Western countries, it is uncommon to ‘mix business with pleasure’. This works differently in the Caribbean (Latin-American) culture. Personal contacts and networks are crucial. During social gatherings and happy hours, many people get acquainted with one another and having a business meeting over a meal is very common.
Do you have any questions or would you like to know what we can do for you?