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Backlogs at Immigration department Curacao

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The 'Admission Office' Curacao - responsible for the technical processing of permit applications - is struggling with major backlogs for some time. Most of these are due to staffing problems, as is the case with almost all government services.

In general, processing a permit application takes a maximum of 4 months, as stated on the 'Proof of Application'. At the moment, however, many applications go well beyond the 4-month limit.

Unfortunately, we have little influence on the situation that has arisen, although we continuously monitor the progress and the process.

As soon as there is news regarding your application we will of course inform you immediately, together with the corresponding instruction on how to proceed.

We hope to have informed you somewhat of the current situation.

Increasing numbers of US citizens are relocating to the Caribbean

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[as released to the press]

The number of US citizens searching for options permanently to leave their home country has risen significantly. Immigration specialist 'Na Kaminda' for the Caribbean islands Bonaire and Curacao detects a growing interest. The company believes that the reason for the increased interest is Americans searching for ways to escape the national political division.

Stress due to polarisation
Due to the current pollitical outcome many people are disappointed. It seems that the stress about the leadership drives people to protest. Others go online and search for information on the way to escape the country.

Easy access to Caribbean Curacao for US citizens
It is no coincidence that US citizens land on the 'Na Kaminda' website. Immigrating to the Caribbean is a dream for many because of the climate, the peace and quiet, and the friendly nature of the islands. Moreover, aside from the Dutch, Americans also have an advantage when documentation and permits are concerned.

A treaty signed in 1956 by the Dutch and American government that is still valid today stipulates that US citizens can relocate to Curacao under more or less the same conditions as Dutch citizens. The procedure to relocate to Curacao is much less complicated than Americans would experience when applying for a permit in Canada.

Immigration service
'Na Kaminda', based on Caribbean Curacao and in the Netherlands, assists individuals, families and businesses relocate to Bonaire or Curacao by applying for permits, filling out registration forms, coordinating legal fees, housing, health insurance and much more. Finding your way around a the Caribbean culture can be quite challenging. Applying for permits requires filling out and obtaining specific documents in the right order, registration in specific administrations, paying the right fees at the right moment and so on. Most laypersons find it difficult. 'Na Kaminda' is experienced in helping people from all over the world. A significant part of their clients are American nationals.

Admissions Office Curacao | temporary address

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The Admissions Office of Curacao informs that due to technical maintenance of the buildings at the main location, its counters for granting residence permits have been temporarily housed at 'Bentana di Informashon' in Saliña. This means that all customers with an appointment must go to the location mentioned below.

Temporarily, no personal information can be provided.

address from Thursday September 26, 2024:
'Bentana di Informashon' - Saliña 127 (Eurobuilding) - location Google Maps (click here)

GDPR - the 'new' privacy law from May 25, 2018

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On May 25, 2018, the new European Data Protection Act will come into force, known as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The new law tightens rules from the current Personal Data Protection Act for residents within the EU. And that's good news!

Although digital security and privacy has been a focal point within our organization right from the start, the new legislation that comes into force on May 25 will result in a lot of extra work. We are currently working hard to timely comply with all guidelines.

Help the victims of hurricane Irma

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Hurricane Irma has caused severe damage in the Caribbean, whereby in particular St. Maarten was heavily hit on September 7th - the material damage is huge. Help is quickly and urgently needed - every contribution is welcome, no matter how small!

You can make donations through Na Kaminda's PayPal account with mention of 'hurricane Irma', or directly to the Red Cross

Do you have any questions or would you like to know what we can do for you?